Sunday, December 9, 2018


Sundays are for blogging! In this post, I discuss how women are represented in the media. Take a look:

I plan to represent young females within my project. Women, in general, are often depicted as dramatic and overly feminine in entertainment magazines, so I have decided to better represent them in a more positive, accurate light. Being a girl myself, I feel I can best relate to this group and address any common misconceptions that are represented in the media. In my project, I would like to share both females’ difficulties and opportunities. An emphasis on female power is my main goal, with a focus on different stages in a woman’s life, such as coming-of-age and entering the workplace, which may be overwhelming times in life. Because of the expectations that are placed upon females, women may grow up with a negative self-image and many insecurities. Therefore, my project will share the everyday struggles that young women face as well as how these difficulties empower them to work harder and face their fears.
Often times, the media continues to sexualize women and only represent their role as a mother, wife, or ‘beauty icon’. One such example is the entertainment magazine, People. Across several issues, only women’s heartbreak, wedding, family, baby, beauty, or weight loss have been addressed, exemplifying the long-withstanding gender stereotypes in society. One specific issue showcases Angelina Jolie on the cover, with the headline “100 Most Beautiful (Women)”. While these topics may be interesting to the public, they do not offer a correct representation of females. Another media example is the television show Gossip Girl, which portrays young women as being excessively pretentious and dependent on men for happiness. This show mainly focuses on the ‘drama’ of young women’s life and represents them as constantly trying to reach ‘elite status’ within their social group. While Gossip Girl usually depicts women arguing and spreading false rumors about each other, I will focus on femininity and women supporting one another, which is not often depicted in the media.
While I am willing to retain common representation characteristics such as family and romance in my project, I will also challenge these media norms and offer a more holistic representation of females, one that shares their accomplishments, mental health, and economic independence. My main goal is to depict women as powerful, intelligent individuals that do not need males’ encouragement or financial support. Within my project, not only will I give fashion and makeup advice like all magazines do, but I also plan to implement articles such as “How to Prepare For a Job Interview” and “How to Handle Anxiety and Stress”, which are just as useful for women as any cosmetic tip. Most of the time the media fails to recognize that women are no longer ‘stay-at-home moms’ and don’t have to look perfect and happy all the time. Therefore, my magazine will embody all aspects of a woman’s health and possibilities; which truly represents women in the twenty-first century.

Hope you enjoyed :-) Until next time!

Saturday, December 8, 2018

I'm Back With More Genre Research!

Here I am researching another genre that I could do for my final project :-) This time I chose to find out more about entertainment magazines and they're pretty interesting! Enjoy:

1. Genre: Entertainment Magazines

2. Genre Conventions – Content
a. Provide information on celebrity gossip or new movies, television shows, books, and music
b. Some may contain relationship rumors such as a new romance or divorce between well-known people
c. Contain lists: “Most Successful People” or “Best New Films”
d. Share celebrities’ “untold” or “private” stories
e. Include reviews, what to expect, or behind-the-scenes of a new film or television show
f. A section of a page may be devoted to book and/or music recommendations, including 'rising' artists and writers
g. Includes a celebrity’s advice or experience
h. May contain an article commemorating a deceased celebrity sharing their life and accomplishments
i. Usually include issues on a person’s family, life after an event, or success, or struggles
j. Must be up-to-date and relevant with new events and media releases
k. May exaggerate details or spread untrue information in order to be more appealing to readers

3. Genre Conventions – Production Techniques
a. Often use flashy colors such as blue, red, and yellow to catch readers’ attention
b. Typically retain the same placement and font of the magazine title across issues to create a uniform product
c. May print a celebrity’s quote on the front cover
d. Often use exclamation and question marks to emphasize titles
e. Usually have a close-up of a celebrity on the cover
f. Smaller images on the sides of the cover give a preview of more people/movies in the issue
g. The selling line is usually placed above the magazine name in a smaller but eye-catching font saying things such as ‘holiday’, ‘summer’, or 'collector's' edition
h. The main cover line pertains to the magazine’s main story, such as a quote from the person on the front cover or the title of the film/TV show
i. “Puffs” are shaped as circles or stars on the cover, saying words such as ‘exclusive’, ‘only in (magazine title)’, ‘shocking’, ‘favorite’
j. The cover usually follows a similar color scheme as the new movie or television show that the issue is focusing on
k. Articles include many pictures related to the story and use flashy colors and fonts to emphasize certain words or titles

4. Magazine Sample #1 – Analysis of How This Magazine Embodies the Genre
Image result for entertainment magazines
This issue from Entertainment Weekly embodies the genre because it provides readers with information on new film and TV releases. The main cover line reads Stranger Things so that readers know that this will be the issue's main focus and that it will be giving them a 'sneak peek' into the show's second season. In smaller font, phrases such as "Who's back?" and "Who's new?" attempt to spike the interest of readers by hinting at information covered in the issue. The main characters of the show are shown on the cover, with an eerie, icy color scheme that fits perfectly with the show's storyline. The red font of the magazine name helps it stand out against the dull blue colors. The cover lines share that there will also be several other films and shows discussed in the issue, including The Good Wife, Black Lightning, and the X-Men Series. Another characteristic of the genre that is depicted in this issue is the selling line, which lures readers in by promising intel on their next obsessions.

Magazine Sample #2- Analysis of How This Magazine Embodies the Genre
Image result for people magazine
This issue from People embodies the genre because it gives information on celebrities' lives and advice. The main image is of Prince Harry and his wife, Meghan Markle, with the main cover image reading: "Doing It Their Way!" The eye-catching subheading highlighted in pink provides additional information and entices consumers to buy the magazine. People often uses pink and yellow to help the information stand out, as shown in this cover. Although the magazine's name is hidden behind the celebrities, the title is easily recognizable because of its usual font and placement. The additional cover lines show that other celebrities and events will be addressed in the issue, such as Jane Fonda and "The New Bachelor". A few puffs are used that say "People Exclusive" and "New Photos", which is another characteristic of the genre. Although the overall theme of the cover uses bright, positive colors, a black rectangle draws attention to a more serious story. As can be seen, this magazine perfectly epitomizes the characteristics of entertainment magazines and effectively draws readers in with bright colors and enticing headings.

6. More Magazine Examples Within the Genre:

Related image
Related image
US Weekly

Image result for the hollywood reporter magazine images
The Hollywood Reporter
Image result for billboard magazine images
Related image
Entertainment Weekly
Image result for in touch! magazine
In Touch

That's all for now! Stay tuned...

Sunday, November 11, 2018

Genre Research Activity

Happy Sunday! This week I did some research on fashion magazines, one of the genres that I’m interested in doing for my final project. Here it is...

Genre Research Activity

1. Genre: Fashion Magazines

2. Genre Conventions- Content
a. Provides fashion advice, new clothing trends, and makeup products and techniques.
b. Information on new brands/designers as well as how to style/upcycle what readers already own.
c. Can also include relationship advice, workout tips, nail art, hairstyles, ‘quizzes’, savings, media recommendations (movies, TV shows, books, applications).
d. Personal anecdotes or interviews are included to share a person’s success, past experiences, fashion advice, etc. 
e. Some may focus on street fashion and ‘trendy’ outfits, with affordable prices and popular looks, while others advertise high-end and luxurious clothing. 
f. Many create collages of articles of clothing, such as party attire, stripes, vintage, floral, accessories, etc.
g. Certain words are used heavily, such as beauty, new, best, love, and big. 
h. Content is heavily dependent on seasons/holidays, with coats, jackets, boots, and scarves being shown in fall and winter, and shorts, short-sleeve shirts, sandals, and bathing suits included in spring and summer editions. 
i. Hyperboles and alliteration are often used to attract readers’ attention. 
j. Can include advertisements for products and brands such as nail polish, hair products, and shoes.
k. Within the magazine, pages alternate between articles with smaller images and full-page pictures (with a small caption). 

3. Genre Conventions- Production Techniques
a. High-key lighting is implemented to give the magazine a happy, fresh, and youthful look.
b. Masthead (name of the magazine) is shown in largest, boldest font, around one or two words in length.
c. Main Cover Line is the second-largest and second-boldest title (after the masthead), and describes the main article/story in a flashy and appealing way.
d. Several cover lines about the different articles/stories within the publication, shown in a smaller font and distributed throughout the page. 
e. Main image: usually a mid-shot or close-up of a celebrity or model on the cover to appeal to the audience.
f. Model credit states the person on the cover and their role in the publication. 
g. Each magazine typically maintains the same format and fonts across publications to create an easy-recognizable and uniform product.
h. A selling line, or slogan, is shown to lure interested readers in.
i. Color scheme depends on the season, with bright, neon colors in summer/spring, and warmer, darker colors in winter/fall.
j. Capital letters, exclamation marks, and plus signs help text pop out.
k. Puffs give readers a “sneak peek” of what’s inside the magazine, usually in the shape of a circle or star. 
l. Colors: lots of black, red, white, and pink. 

4. Institutional Conventions- How is Genre Marketed
a. The audience is typically female ages 16-30.
b. Aimed toward middle-class/upper-class consumers who want to keep up with current fashion trends and have the necessary free time to read the magazine.
c. Have taken advantage of digital platforms to attract readers and promote the product’s purchase, such as through social media and applications. 
d. May have different audiences and therefore adjust content accordingly, focusing on women’s fashion, men’s fashion, teen fashion, etc. 

5. Magazine Sample #1-Analysis of How Magazine Embodies Genre
This issue from Harper’s Bazaar embodies the genre because its main purpose is to inform readers about new fashion trends and looks. The masthead is shown at the top of the page, in big, red letters. The main image is of a female actress, attracting readers’ attention. As can be seen, the main cover line is about “New Season Fashion”, shown in red boxes with bold white letters. A plus sign is placed before “The 2018 Hot List”, which helps the text stand out. Across the page, the cover lines describe the various articles within the magazine, all associated with women’s fashion, such as “Hair & Makeup: Make the Most of Your Looks” and “Get Glam By Tonight”. The photograph is visually appealing, with roses of varying shades of pink. The red font not only helps the text stand out against the pink background, but it also matches with the actress’s dark red lipstick. These warm colors give the magazine a feminine look, as well as create a feeling of love, passion, and charm.

6. Magazine Sample #2- Analysis of How Magazine Embodies Genre
This issue from Vogue is a great example of a fashion magazine. The main image is of Beyonce, a female singer in an eye-catching sequin skirt. The high-key lighting gives the model a healthy, bright look, catching consumers’ attention. The cover lines are all about clothing and style, such as “Pretty in Punk: How the Street Stormed the Catwalk” and “Trend Alert: Snakeskin Prints, Summer Black and the New Block Heel”. All of these titles are written in black capital letters to stand out, with words such as glamour, heel, couture, and brands. The main cover line reads “Megawatt Fashion”, indicating that the central story is about flashy clothing. The blue and white color scheme gives the cover a clean look, with the blue lettering symbolizing confidence and trust and the white background representing purity and wholeness.  

7. More Magazine Examples

It's Me!

Hi, I’m Catalina! Welcome to my AICE Media Studies Blog, where I’ll be writing about my progress and discoveries as I work on my final project. Before I delve into my group’s plan for the project, I’ll tell you a little about myself. I’m sixteen, I have two dogs (Elvis and Bruno), and I love art and design. I took AICE Media Studies because I heard that not only does it teach you about the media’s influence on the public, it also requires students to create a film or magazine as part of the final exam. This instantly caught my attention and eventually led me to sign up for the course because I wanted to learn more about the media’s effect on consumers and because I’m interested in it as a future career path. I can’t wait to step out of my comfort zone and challenge myself to explore new ideas.
After much consideration, my group members (Malena and Valentina) and I decided to create a magazine spread for our final project, which we thought was the best option for us since we all enjoy graphic design, photography, and writing. We are not yet sure what our genre will be, but I think we are leaning towards lifestyle, travel, or fashion. Malena, Valentina, and I love traveling, clothing trends, and pop culture, so I think it will be easy to decide upon a genre/sub-genre since we all have similar interests. Any successful project needs research before it can begin, so my group is currently investigating a few genres that we’re interested in. I’ll be looking into fashion magazines, Valentina will analyze beauty magazines, and Malena will research travel magazines.
Looking ahead, I know I want my magazine to be colorful and engaging, offering readers new ideas and advice. One of the things my group has to decide is how we can each make a magazine of the same genre while still creating a project that is different from the rest of the members. Maybe we can all assign each other a specific season to base our magazine on, so we can each have a unique color scheme and content while still retaining the same layout and style across each magazine. Another factor we have to consider is what platform we’ll use to create the magazine, such as Canva or Adobe Illustrator. I’ll keep you updated on what we decide, along with my future successes and (I hope very few) struggles. Thanks for reading!

Excited for what’s to come,